Know the Common First Aid Mistakes

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Most of us will experience some type of emergency situation at one point in our lives. Knowing how to respond in emergencies can be a very challenging task. To give you an idea of how difficult it is to respond in emergencies, listed below are some common situations and mistakes that people commit while attempting to provide emergency care.

In a bleeding injury…Know the Common First Aid Mistakes

When responding in a bleeding injury, the first thing you do is to locate the first aid kit, get some dressings or gauze sponges and apply it over the wound. As the gauze gets soaked with blood, you remove the blood soaked sponges and then replace it with new sponges. Emergency first aid kit will be useful during this time.

The principle of trying to stop the bleeding using dressing is right but do not remove the blood soaked dressings. Instead, you should reinforce it with new dressings, applying it on top of the soaked ones. Leaving the gauze dressings in place ill prevent the blood vessels from being disturbed again and help “clot” the wound. While removing blood-soaked dressings is a logical thing to do, doing so will only cause the bleeding to start again.

In a serious accident…

So you have found yourself in the midst of a serious accident. Upon your assessment, you believe the victim to be showing signs of shock – pale, cold and clammy skin. He seems confused and very week. You stay with him, keep him warm, and provide reassurance. Then the victim complains of thirst so you give him a glass of water.

While your intention seems to be right and does not obviously cause harm, it wrong. In case of serious injuries, especially when shock is suspected, food and drink should be withheld. The risk of aspiration is very high in victims of shock; take note that they might lose consciousness anytime and taking anything by mouth can lead to aspiration.

Chemical burns to the eye…

Someone has accidentally splashed a strong chemical into his eye. The victim complains of burning and difficulty opening his eyes. You immediately flush the victim’s eye with clean water for at least 15 minutes. Then you apply bandage over the eye. What would you do next?

Although your prompt response is perfect, you are not yet done. In cases of chemical burns to the eye, it is important that you consult professional help immediately. Injuries to the eye should not be taken lightly. While waiting for emergency help or while transporting the victim to the nearest emergency department, make sure to cover both eyes with eye pads or bandage. Remember that the eyes work in unison and that you need to keep the injured eye still. If you have a knowledge about standard first aid then it will be easy for you to handle the situation.

First aid mistakes can significantly affect the outcome of the victim. These are just three situations and first aid mistakes that people commit, and there are still many more. Taking a first aid course can help you prepare for such emergency situations. Contact your local workplace approved chapter for more details now.

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